In Math with Sagemath you will find a collection of basic math problems solved using SageMath.

I divided the blog in sections. Each section will start with the explanation on how to solve the problems by hand and what SageMath functions we can use. You will also find links to examples solved using SageMath.

To better understand how to solve the examples with SageMath, I recommend downloading the corresponding Jupyter notebooks, or launch the binder (see below) so that you can execute them online.

The content will be added as posts and I will post randomly on different topics… So be patient if there is a topic missing!

Contents of this Repo

  • Examples
    • Linear Algebra
    • Multivariable Calculus
    • Differential Equations
  • Version of SageMath used: 9.0 (Python 3)

Launch me on Binder!

If you want to test the examples without having to download all the software, you can use my container that I set up on Binder. You will be able to run the SageMath notebooks online.

IMPORTANT: Changes are not permanent. If you want to keep your changes, you will have to download any files you modified.

Click at the Binder banner to launch the project on Binder and run all the examples from the web. Binder



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